Monday, September 17, 2012

4 weeks to go.

Time for another cop-out post wherein I simply direct you to check out a superior blogger, the lovely Ms. Rachel Schmidt. I have had so many people tell me that they've connected to Rachel's blog through mine and have proceeded to be blown away by the power of her writing. If you have been reading and appreciating her blogging efforts, please leave her a comment! Maybe she can be convinced to write a book one day when she's feeling a little more up to that.

Rachel's latest post is here.

As for me, I've got one more big week of training to go before the taper starts. I just had a really good week - I'm feeling strong and fit. My legs seem to be adapting to the increase in mileage, and some speed is coming back (in my coach's words, I'm losing my marathon shuffle). Maybe it's just that fall air, but the spring is back in my step. Now it's just a matter of staying healthy and uninjured. It's time for some new shoes, lots of stretching, a few delightful ice baths.

My 5:45am wake-up call Sunday morning was the butt of many choice words, but at least I have the consolation that there aren't too many more of them to come. I'm almost ready to say I'm ready to do this. Almost.

Week 13 Recap:

M: 9k (5 x 700m hill) + Hatha yoga class
TU: 10k
W: 18k (6 x 1k)
TH: off
F: 10k (5k @ 10k pace)
SA: 5k easy
SU: 29k (last 10k @ race pace)

Week total: approx. 81k

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